1105 58TH AVE, VERO BEACH, FL 32966
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Pathway’s Mission

Loving God and loving all people in our pathway.

What to Expect

We know you have a lot of things on your calendar and going on, but we’d love to have you join us! Whether you’re new to church all together or you’re trying to find “home”, we want to help make your first experience at Pathway a great one!
Sundays 9 & 11AM
In Person & Online
Pathway Kids
Sundays 9 & 11AM

Pathway Students 
Sundays at 9AM

Who We Are

When you visit Pathway—in person or online— you will experience a dynamic church that welcomes all people with friendly faces and an inviting atmosphere.

We’re an inviting church, so the more the merrier! Oh, and if you love coffee you can come a little earlier or stay late to have a cup and connect with others in our cafe.

What to Wear

At Pathway Church, we love ALL people. That means, come as you are! You will see anything from t-shirts and shorts, to dresses, heels, and on occasion, even a tie! We are between casual and business casual. Either way, all are welcome. All are loved.

Worship Style

Every Sunday you’ll have an opportunity to participate in a modern worship experience that includes great music, a relevant Bible-based message, and other creative elements. At the heart of our weekend worship services is a high value on God's presence as well as providing Biblical next steps for life application.

Letter to Parents

Here at Pathway, we love building relationships with our families and enjoying growing with kids from Birth to Teens to Young Adults!

Our purpose is to love God and love all people young and old that God places in our Pathway!

Come join our Pathway families where you can connect with others in our weekend services. Grow in your relationship with God and learn how to love and serve others at all ages!
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Pathway Kids is a place for all children (birth through 5th grade) to have fun, feel safe, and fall in love with Jesus! Pathway Kids meet every Sunday during our 9AM & 11AM, where we have a team of background-checked volunteers who are ready to partner with parents to develop our kids' faith. Bring your kids for our Wednesday Night service at 6:30PM.


Pathway Students is a place for your 6th-12th grade student to experience fun activities, powerful worship, and relevant teaching from the Bible. Students also have the opportunity to be part of small groups following the worship and teaching to discuss what they heard and to grow together.

- Middle School Night | Wednesdays at 6:30PM
- High School Night | Sundays at 6:30PM
- All Students | Sundays at 9AM

Visit our Pathway Student's calendar to learn more about upcoming groups and events. pathwayvb.com/studentcalendar
Students on Instagram

Young Adults

Pathway Young Adults is a place for high school graduates to 20-somethings to find community! Whether you are navigating college, career, marriage, or parenting, you can join us for spiritual growth, long-lasting friendships, and discipleship. Through small groups, we grow together as one as we learn to navigate through our walk with Jesus.
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Our Leader

Say Hey!

Dr. Brian Bennett

Lead Pastor

husband, father, friend, beach bum
Who is Pastor Brian?

Brian is a passionate Christ follower who loves life and being a part of God’s movement in the world through the local church. He is from Michigan (don’t hold it against him) and has pastored vocationally since 2003. He has been married to his wife (and better half) Cindy since 2001 and they have four awesome children (see below for more on the Bennett’s).

Pastor Brian’s official title would be “Rev. Dr.” as he does hold ministerial credentials since 2005 and a doctorate degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. His favorite title, though, is “beach bum” and he encourages you to just call him “Brian or Pastor Brian if you must”. He loves to see people come alive in their relationship with Jesus and is passionate about seeing Pathway be a place where “all people, with all the gifts, are active in all of life”. Brian has experience as a public-school teacher, coach, pastor, church planter, non-profit founder/leader, author, and social entrepreneur. His favorite experiences, though, involve time with Jesus, family, good friends, and God at work in and through the local church. He would love to connect with you after a visit over a good cup of coffee!
Who are the bennetTs?

The Bennett’s are an active family of six that loves Jesus, life, and the beach! Cindy and Brian met in college at Western Michigan University. They graduated in 2001, got married, and started life together in. Battle Creek, MI. They have four awesome children that are all unique, gifted, and emerging as leaders in their respective stages. The Bennett’s enjoyed their time living in Southwest Michigan and planting Overflow Church and Mosaic CCDA. They enjoy family nights on Fridays, good movies, games, and most sports. Their children are all quite close, despite the age differences, and value dinners together and quality talk time. They are so excited to be a part of Pathway Church, and Master’s Academy, and they are praying for God to continue to shape their children into all that God has purposed them to be.

Check out Brian’s Book!

Meet the Team

Dan Delaney

Associate Pastor of Administration

husband. father. Christ-follower. adventure. pickleball.

Nate Swearingen

Next Gen Pastor

husband, dad, friend, pastor, sports fan

Randy Miller

Worship and Care Pastor

husband, father, worshiper, pastor, sports fanatic

Zoro Mer

Associate Pastor of Ministries

Jesus, family, laughter, food, fun

Noe "Niko" Irizarry

Pastor of Spanish Ministries

husband. grandpa. amigo. pastor. golfer.

Cristina molinari

Worship and Care Assistant

mom. wife. worshipper. fun-loving. friend.

Dayna Cranman

Kids Director

john's rib, mommy, redeemed, called, extra(vert)

James Flaming

Student Ministries, School of Leadership, and Young Adults

disciple, soccer, volleyball, beach, adventure

Jayda jenkins

Communications Coordinator

analytical, ambitious, snack connoisseur, nature enthusiast, athlete

Jonathan Perfater

Tech and Media Lead

husband, musician, techy, goofball, Jesus-follower

Kristy Otten

Executive Assistant and Communications

wife, sister, daughter, favorite aunt, child of God

Mark Hamelin

Maintenance Technician

husband. father. pappo. servant of God. golfer.

Volunteer Directors

Mike Pickerill

Men's Ministry Director

husband, father, entrepreneur, creative, problem solver

Cindy Bennett

Women's Ministry Director

wife, writer, Bible girl, mom, kid-taxi

Christina Hamelin

Kitchen Coordinator

wife, mom, nana, Christ-follower, foodie

Rose Steele

Prayer Ministry Director

beach girl, wifey, mom, Jesus servant, administrator

Board of Directors

Keith Sensabaugh

Dave Brown

Jeff Phillips

Eric Smith

Brian Bennett

Tom Beagan

Join Our Team

For more information about our board governance...

Read Our Bylaws Here

Our Beliefs

The following statements reflect the beliefs, and heart, of Pathway Church is a part of the Church of God (of Anderson) movement/network:

Jesus is Lord

Jesus is Lord. The singularity, the exclusivity, the divinity of the one Lord Jesus is central to who we are. He is the Bread of Life. The Water of Life. The Lamb of God. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. The one Mediator between God and humankind. The Lord of lords, the King of kings. The Son of Man. The Son of God. The Word became Flesh. The Name at which every knee shall bow. Jesus is the subject (Acts 2:36).

The Supremacy of Scripture

The Supremacy of Scripture. We are a people of the Bible—the Old and New Testaments, supernaturally inspired, preserved across time, cultures, and continents, delivered to us, useful for reproof and instruction, for righteousness. The Scripture is our backstop, the ultimate field of inquiry and judgment, the measure of conduct, faith, and practice. Whatever the question, whatever the test, whatever comes before us, in the end, it is the Scripture, above all other disciplines, that informs and defines us. All other sources of knowledge fall beneath its shadow (2 Tim 3:14–17).

The Great Commandments

The Great Commandments. Love God with your whole self. And, love your neighbors as yourself. The Scripture tells us this is the sum of the Law and the Prophets. When a teacher of the Law sought to test Jesus (Luke 10), asking, “What must I do to have eternal life?” Jesus asked him what he read in the Scripture. When the man replied with the Great Commandments, Jesus approved, saying, “You have answered well; do this and you will live.” It was this exchange that birthed the seminal parable of the Good Samaritan. As a people in the pursuit of holiness, the Great Commandments clothe us.

Great Commission

Great Commission. To go and make disciples is the divine privilege and responsibility given to each of us. We champion the work of evangelism and discipleship in our own neighborhood, as well as the sending of international and home missionaries to places beyond our individual reach (Matt 28:19–20).


Unity. We are a people uniquely called by God to be a catalyst for Christian unity, believing that the division of the body of Christ is hell’s greatest weapon to thwart heaven’s ends in this world. We are convinced that the splintering of the body is not the Lord’s work, but the enemy’s; we believe that hell trembles at the prospect of a people united, redeemed by the blood, and possessed by the Spirit (John 17:21).

Kingdom of God

Kingdom of God. The rule and reign of God is a present reality to be embraced and experienced today. His kingdom is not of this world, and will therefore never be about earthly politics. As children of God, the spiritual riches of the King of kings are ours to claim and steward as we preach the good news of the kingdom to the world (Luke 17:20–21)
Ready for a relationship with Jesus? Let us know.

Check out more information about our beliefs here.
Pathway Church
1105 58th Ave
Vero Beach, FL 32966
Worship with us Sundays 9 & 11AM In Person or Join Us Online
© Pathway Church. All Rights Reserved